My brother's penchant for collecting paperbags has been very chronic which sometimes brings me to the borderline in terms of patience. He still insists on getting paperbags from the Concierge of a department store even if the line is very long, collecting all the receipts so he could present it to redeem more paperbags, even getting out of a long line waiting for a taxi just to go and get his paperbags.
However, all these made sense to me now. He is collecting these so he could use the paperbags for his yearly outreach activity. Every December, he would ransack his closet and bring out items which he has not used for the year and decides to give these items to people in the streets. He would then place these items inside paperbags and off he would go to the streets to distribute them.
This year, I joined him in his activity, bringing some of the stuffs as we went to Magallanes underpass, Makati, Ortigas, Quezon City, Greenhills in San Juan and even to Baclaran. Along the way, we would hand out the paperbags to those who have less in life. Even if some of the items inside these bags are practically not new, we see to it that the receiver gets the respect and value that they deserve. Bisan dili bag-o ang among gipanghatag, malipayon gihapon silang nidawat, especially since these were placed inside nice paperbags - the paperbags that my brother labourly collected.
The sense of fulfillment is beyond words but more than that, I realized with great pride that the reason for my brother's penchant to collect paperbags was not because he wanted it for himself - he wanted it for others. Indeed, "not only to ourselves are we born."
Community Extension Services & Development
University of Cebu-Banilad College of Nursing!
"Each person has a hidden hero within, you just have to look inside you and search it in your heart, and be the hero to the next one in need.
So to each and every person inside in this theater and for those who are watching at home, the hero in you is waiting to be unleashed.
Serve, serve well, serve others above yourself and be happy to serve.
As I always tell to my co-volunteers … you are the change that you dream as I am the change that I dream and collectively we are the change that this world needs to be.”
For giving is living," the angel said.
"And must I be giving again and again?"
My peevish, petulant answer ran.
"Oh, no," said the angel, piercing me through,
"just give till the Master stops giving to you."
Character building is a slow process. Whenever we try to avoid or escape the difficulties in life, we short-circuit the process, delay our growth, and actually end up with a worse kind of pain - the worthless type that accompanies denial and avoidance. When you grasp the eternal consequences of your character development, you'll pray fewer, "comfort me" prayers ("Help me feel good"), and instead more of "Conform me" prayers ("Use this to make me more like you").
If you are facing trouble right now, don't ask, "Why me?" Instead ask, "What do you want me to learn?" Then trust God and keep on doing what's right. "You need to stick it out, staying with God's plan so you'll be there for the promised completion."
Kasadya ning táknaa
Dapit sa kahimayaan.
Mao ray among nakita,
Ang panagway nga masanagon.
Buláhan ug buláhan
Ang tagbaláy nga giawitan.
Awit nga halandumon,
Ug sa tanang pasko magmalípayon.
Bag-ong tuig, bág-ong kinabúhì.
Duyog sa átong mga pagbati.
Atong awiton ug atong laylayon
Aron magmalípayon.
Christmas! The very word brings joy to our hearts. No matter how we may dread the rush, the long Christmas lists for gifts and cards to be bought and given--when Christmas Day comes there is still the same warm feeling, the same warmth that enfolds our hearts, our families, and our homes.
Things You'll Need:
•A pair of fire poi.
•A can of white gas
•A metal bucket large enough to soak your wicks in
•A lighter or matches
•A safety blanket or a large, wet towel
•A safety person, who can help you put out the fire when you're finished and who can also make sure you don't catch on fire
•A fire extinguisher, just in case!
Step 1
Place your poi wicks in the empty bucket, making sure the handles are outside of the bucket. Pour the white gas over the wicks, soaking them completely. Let the wicks soak for 1-3 minutes.
Step 2
Carefully remove the poi from the soaking bucket. Walk a safe distance away from the area where you'll be lighting up, and spin the soaked poi using several forceful downward motions to remove any excess fuel. Your spin-out is best done onto a tarp, but if that isn't possible, try sand, dirt, or old concrete. White gas will evaporate quickly on the surface.
Step 3
Walk back to your "stage" area. Hold your poi arm's length in front of you. Have your safety person light the wicks. Start spinning your poi!
Step 4
Spin until the flames go out! If the poi chains are tangled, you can put them out at the same time, but it's easier one at a time.
v e r s u s
The mechanics of exchanging vary, some can be as simple as asking the participants to bring a gift, on an agreed amount which are later on raffled off to the participants, on Christmas Party.
Others starts several weeks ahead of the gift-giving time which is usually the Christmas party. All participant's name are put in a box and each member will draw a name from the box and whoever you got will be your Manito/Manita and you have to buy a Christmas present for him/her. You cannot reveal your Manito/Manita's name- it will be a secret until the revelation day.
The slideshow that preceedes this article presents the revelation of Manitos and Manitas among the faculty members of the College of Nursing of University of Cebu during their Christmas Party in UCLM.
Matag tuig ning gihimo sa mga boluntaryo sa Marantha sa niaging 11 na ka tuig. Karong tuiga ang kinadak-an. Alas-siyete pa lang sa gabii sa Biyernes nagsugod na og linya ang mga tawo. Nagsugod pagpanghatag og mga hinabang sa alas-4:30 sa kadlawon sa Sabado. Ang among naabtan sa buhi nga pagsibya sa "Halad sa Kapamilya" sa ABS-CBN Cebu mao na lang ang ikog sa 8,500 ka putos sa bugas, sardinas ug noodles.
Ang lagda sa pagpanghatag yano ra. Si bisan kinsa makapahimus sa hinabang. Bisan asa sila gikan. Bisan unsay ilang kahugpongan. Di sila iphon isip usa ka pamilya. Matag usa nila, apil nang mga masuso pa, iphon isip usa ug pulos makadawat og samang putos. Hangtod nga mahurot nang giandam nga mga hinabang.
The Simbahang Pambata Ministry of the Maranatha Christian Fellowship sponsored the annual Christmas party inside its headquarters at the Maranatha World Outreach Center in corner P. Burgos and V. Gullas (formerly Manalili) Streets. The three-hour program included snacks, games, and speeches. This is the eleventh year that Ministry head Jesse Saberon and his colleagues have organized the party, which he said is important to show that “whatever we have, we share”.
Saberon said that the budget allocation of 300 sacks of rice, 150 boxes of sardines, and 210 boxes of noodles came from “benevolent people” like businessmen, students, ministry members, and “those who want to remain anonymous”. He said that it is the ministry’s vision to make every Christian happy in little ways they could.
Ruby Salutan, administrator of the said ministry, said that the gift-giving started with “purely” children, but eventually they noticed that some parents and adults came so that they began accommodating them.
“God did not qualify whom to help… mao nga kung puwede tanan matabangan, among tabangan,” she said. CESDEV Nursing provided the needed support by donating canned goods and noodles. Also present during the activity were first year student nurses who expressed interest in joining CESDEV.
Around the Philippines, there are several zip-line courses available to the public, but there are none yet in Cebu City. Most of them are also quite expensive, and can only cater to the higher middle class and up categories. But a group of Cebuanos, involved in the teaching of arnis, wants to change that.
The Doce Pares Organization, led by Grandmaster Dionisio “Diony” Canete, who along with his son, Gerald Canete, have decided to add zip-lining into their training regimen, making it the first zip-line course in Cebu. They specialize in the teaching of Kali Eskrima also known as “arnis” to aspiring students both young and old, Pinoys and foreigners alike and their school in Sto. Nino Village has attracted hundreds of visitors.
To develop their skills in the sport, they decided to incorporate other specializations like kickboxing, grappling, and various rope courses which include zip-line. Wanting to offer something new with Eskrima, as well as to the Cebuanos, they put up a park in Malubog, Busay which is right next to the road leading to Tops Skyline Garden.
The park, which opened to the public last November, is both a training ground for Eskrima students and a getaway haven for adventurers and ordinary people alike. The main attraction is the 180-meter long zipline course—a fun ride to experience—that not only gives users the adrenaline rush but also a picturesque view of Cebu City.
According to Gerald, most of the materials used for the zip line were made right here in Cebu by local folks who were enthusiastic about the course. These were adventurers by heart, and they helped them out by providing the needed materials in building the course.
Some of the materials were acquired in the US, but Gerald said they preferred to get the materials locally if they were available. But they always made sure that safety was always of the utmost importance. They also said that the park will be affordable to people of all ages, because they want the Cebuanos to enjoy it to the fullest. The entrance fee is pegged at P20 per person, while the zip line course is P100 per two rides—much cheaper compared to the other courses available in the Philippines.
In September 2007, JCI received accreditation by the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua). A non-profit, independent organization with members in more than 70 countries, ISQua is known as the accreditor of accrediting bodies. Accreditation by ISQua provides assurance that the standards, training and processes used by JCI to survey the performance of health care organizations meet the highest international benchmarks for accreditation entities.
In August 2005, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated The Joint Commission and JCI as the world’s first and only WHO Collaborating Centre dedicated solely to patient safety ( By working collaboratively with ministries of health, national patient safety organizations and experts, health care professional organizations, and patient/consumer groups, the Collaborating Centre focuses worldwide attention on Patient Safety Solutions, Patient Safety Practices and other issues related to reducing safety risks to patients.
High 5s Project: This project was established in 2007 by the Collaborating Centre to implement innovative, standardized operating protocols for five patient safety solutions over five years. This initiative seeks to leverage the implementation of solutions that would have broad impacts in preventing avoidable catastrophic adverse events — such as death or serious injury — in hospitals.
The following five solution areas have been selected as the focus of the High 5s Project:
Prevention of patient care hand-over errors
Prevention of wrong site/wrong procedure/wrong person surgical errors
Prevention of continuity of medication errors
Prevention of high concentration drug errors
Promotion of effective hand hygiene practices
JCI’s Accreditation Program was launched in 1999. The standards were developed by international experts and set uniform, achievable expectations for structures, processes and outcomes for health care organizations. The requirements for accreditation also include international patient safety goals that highlight problematic areas in health care and describe evidence and expert-based consensus solutions to these problems. The survey process is designed to accommodate specific legal, religious and cultural factors within a country. JCI offers accreditation for hospitals, ambulatory care facilities, clinical laboratories, care continuum services, medical transport organizations and primary care services; and certification in disease- or condition- specific care.
CHONG Hua Hospital (CHH) in Cebu City has earned accreditation from the Joint Commission International (JCI), putting it at par with the best health-care institutions in the world and allowing it to better position itself as a destination for foreign patients seeking treatment in the country.
“Health-care organizations around the world want to create environments that focus on quality, safety and continuous improvement,” said Karen Timmons, chief executive officer of JCI. “Accreditation meets this demand by stimulating continuous, systematic improvements in an organization’s performance and the outcomes of patient care. The community should be proud that Chong Hua Hospital has made a commitment to quality and safety.”
JCI’s on-site evaluation of CHH, conducted by a team of international health-care experts, including a doctor, nurse and administrator, was conducted in October.
“We sought accreditation because we want to provide the best care possible for outpatients,” said Lim Liu, CEO of CHH. “Earning accreditation from JCI is another step toward excellence.”
JCI is dedicated to improving the quality of health care through voluntary accreditation. JCI’s uniform, high standards for patient care and safety are designed to be adaptable to local needs, thus accommodating legal, religious and cultural factors within a country.
Standards focus on the areas that most directly impact patient care. These include access to care, assessment of patients, infection control, patient and family rights, and education. Standards also address facility management and safety, staff qualifications, quality improvement, organizational leadership and management of information.
"Usa ra ako kailangan....ang CESDEV..kay nana na ngadto tanan..hehe^^ "
- from your CESDEV Family
A MEAN teacher insists that students hand in their assignments on time and takes off points for late assignments.
A MEAN teacher does not accept incomplete assignments.
A MEAN teacher requires each student to think carefully and to make her/his own decisions.
A MEAN teacher holds each student responsible for her/his own behavior.
A MEAN teacher makes students keep the classroom, themselves, and their belongings neat and clean.
A MEAN teacher does not allow free time in class until all class-work is done.
A MEAN teacher gives homework regularly, sometimes even on weekends.
A MEAN teacher calls on students who don't raise their hands to answer questions.
A MEAN teacher requires all students to treat each other with respect.
A MEAN teacher makes life miserable for students by insisting that they always tell the truth.
A MEAN teacher produces students who are respectful, responsible, and successful.
*(MEAN = Making Excellence A Necessity)
sees the same glass
Article IV, Section 12 of the Philippine Republic Act No. 9173 states that all applicants for license to practice nursing shall be required to pass a written examination, which shall be given by the Board of Nursing in such places and dates as may be designated by the Commission, provided that it shall be in accordance with Republic Act No. 8981, otherwise known as the PRC Modernization Act of 2000.
In order to pass the examination, an examinee must obtain a general average of at least seventy five percent (75%) with a rating of not below sixty percent (60%) in any of five test subjects.
God most definitely listens to prayers, answers prayers, and moves in response to prayers.
Below are figures of recently concluded Nurse Licensure Examinations in the past 4 years:
* June 2009 - 77,901
* November 2008 - 88,649
* June 2008 - 64,459
* December 2007 - 67,728
* June 2007 - 78,583
* December 2006 - 40,147
* June 2006 - 42,006
* December 2005 - 24,287
* June 2005 - 26,000
We are pleased to advise that, with still another month of registrations to come, Clean Up the World in 2009 has the highest number of groups participating ever! This is in no small way thanks to your group’s efforts in joining, profiling your activities and helping us spread the word. Your contributions and those of our Ambassadors, Allies and Partners have been critical in making the campaign the huge success that is has been this year. The Clean Up the World Activity Report 2009 will provide details of participation and acknowledge each of these contributions.
Fondly called Diet by his close friends, Ocampo, one of the most bankable actors in show business, is the co-founder of K.I.D.S. Foundation. In the cover story “My Wish for New Year,” the Reader’s Digest Asia has cited his works to alleviate the plight of poor Filipino children. The story also features other inspirational Asians.
“I haven’t forgotten that I come from a poor family. This keeps me grounded and grateful for what I have today,” Ocampo was quoted as saying. Every year, he celebrates his birthday with the less fortunate children.
“[This my way of] sharing my blessings to all these kids. Kasi marami din sigurong hindi nakakaalam, minsan naging bata din ako na nangarap. Galing din ako sa hirap,” Ocampo said in an interview during his 33rd birthday celebration last July.
In our continuing effort to establish linkages with other organizations with the same passion for service, the Community Extension Services and Development of the College of Nursing of UC Banilad joined KIDS Foundation.
K.I.D.S. Foundation is a brainchild of Filipino actor, Mr. Diether Ocampo. Realizing a longtime passion to improve the lives of our future leaders, he felt the desire to give back to the society that has been good to him, and to show the world that there are no limitations when it comes to realizing dreams. In this endeavor, Mr. Ocampo is supported by his friends and colleagues who share his vision.
Existing Programs & campaigns:
1. R.E.D. Undernutrition
2. Isang Milyong Aklat, Isang Milyong Pangarap
3. Out of the Streets, Into the Courts
4. A Trek to Remember
5. Medical Aid and Merienda Parties to PGH, POC & other gov't hospitals that caters children's needs
6. 100 KIDScholars
Kabataang Inyong Dapat Suportahan (K.I.D.S.) Foundation
341A G. Araneta Avenue, Quezon City 1100
Telefax: (632) 714-3946
DSWD Registration Number: NCR-2007-R-035
SEC Registration Number: CN200600126
• Accept the fact that the exam is over, things are out of your control now. You did the best that you could on the exam, and no amount of worry or stress is going to change the results now;
• Avoid going over the test questions and answers with other examinees. While it may seem a good idea so we can get a general picture of our performance in the nursing exams, doing so now causes more stress and makes us second-guess ourselves;
• Go for a walk or jog, go to the gym, or engage in sports as a means to release adrenaline. When we are reviewing for the exams, our body prepares for fight or flight the same way that it does in an emergency. During the actual exam, our body goes into fight mode, but since taking an exam is more of a mental activity, examinees do not get the chance to physically release the adrenaline. Hence, it is important to find a physical activity that will facilitate the release of adrenalin and calm our nerves;
• Get reconnected with friends and family. If you reviewed for the boards like the way this blogger did, then you would have spent the last few months of your waking hours immersed in review classes, reading books, and doing practice tests leading up to the exam virtually alienating you from friends and families. Now is a good time to get in touch with them;
• Do the things that you enjoy doing. It can be anything. If you are into online games, airsoft, blogging, travel, chatting, surfing, biking, mountain climbing, clubbing, or simply hanging out with friends. Now is a good time for it. Anything that will get your mind off the exams is good; and finally
• If you are a spiritual person, pray. They say that prayer is a very powerful tool. Regardless of your religious affiliation, it is always comforting to know that a higher being looks after you in one way or another.
I'm Gonna Make A Change,
For Once In My Life
It's Gonna Feel Real Good,
Gonna Make A Difference
Gonna Make It Right . . .
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make A Change
Ang labing gidugokan, sama sa naandan, mao ang libreng konsultasyon sa mga doktor ug libreng mga tambal ug ang libreng ibot sa ngipon. Wa sab papiri ang mga nagda sa ilang mga iro ug iring aron pagpahimus sa libreng veterinary services. Ingon man ang mga nagpaayo sa gubaon nilang cellphones ug nipahimus sa mga pangalagad sa mga buhatan sa kagamhanan.
Nagbaha sab ang mga nangaplay sa kaliboan ka bakanteng trabaho nga gitanyag sa local ug overseas job fair sa Department of Manpower Development and Placement (DMDP) sa Dakbayan sa Sugbo ug sa job search ni DMDP Head Fidel Magno. Ingon man ang mga nipahimus sa libreng notaryo ug pangalagad sa mga abogado.
Naghuot sab ang mga seminar sa IELTS preview, basic internet skills, breadmaking, soap making, candle making, pilosopiya, ekonomiya, musika, landscaping, interior designing, fashion design, welding, urban agriculture, business planning nga nagtanyag sab og P5,000 nga pasiunang puhonan alang sa 20 ka labing maayong business plans.
Daghan sang gipanghatag nga mga pagkaon, peppermint tea, mga tsinelas ug mga labakara. Kasagaran hinuon sa mga nanambong, apil nang pipila ka boluntaryo, nagbawon og ilang kaugalingong pagkaon.
Inanay nang gitak-opan ang nagkalainlaing mga pangalagad sa Grand Halad sa Kapamilya nga gipahigayon sa USC Main campus. Apan wa pa gihapon mohubas ang bagang duot sa katawhan nga nagtapok dinhi aron pagtabang ug pagpahimus sa gitanyag nga mga hinabang.
Mao ni mahitabo nako sa matag Halad: Di lang gihapon ko katuo ug wa lang gihapon ko'y mga pung nga ikahubit sa katahom sa talan-awon kon mag-abot nang mga kapamilya nga may katakos sa pagtabang ug ang mga kapamilya nga labing nagkinahanglan og tabang. Ang bugtong mahimo mao na lang ang pagpasalamat nga sa makausa pa nahimo na sab ming taytayan aron magkaabot ang mga sakop sa makitawhanon ug manggihatagon nga katilingban.
Mapasalamaton kaayo ang mga nangapil sa tibuok adlaw nga Halad. Ang mga nagpakitabang, bisan wa tingali mahatagi sa tanan nilang panginahanglan, natagbaw nang namauli sa ilang mga pinuy-anan. Labaw'ng mapahiyumon ang mga nitanyag sa ilang hinabang.
Bisan sa kadako sa ilang gasto, sa ilang kahimanan, katigayonan, katakos ug panahon. Alang nila duna gyo'y mas gamhanan pa nga puwersa nga nipuno sa ilang kasingkasing ug nipaawas sa ilang diwa.
As our friends and volunteers prepare take the Philippine Nurses Licensure Examination, we ask you to give them wisdom, courage, and strength so that they may be sustained before, during, and after the board examinations. Enlighten their hearts and minds that they may be able to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Keep them always in touch with You, our companion in this journey who would always remind us of honesty, sincerity and integrity.
We ask you all of these loving Father In the name of Jesus Christ, your Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit now and forever.
She said the new scheme was pilot-tested for the November exam, but will be fully implemented for the June board next year.
Padilla also bared the Commission’s plan to combine and hold twice the special licensure examination for nurses in Hong Kong and the regular nurses’ board in the country.
The special licensure examination for nurses in Hong Kong started this month upon the request of the Filipino Nurses Association (FPA) and the Integrated Midwives Association of the Philippines, Inc. (IMAP) chapters in that country.
She said the professional regulatory body will also implement in 2010 the new schedule for the licensure examinations from June to July 3, and from November to Dec. 12 and 13.
“Ang reason natin dito, we are having problems with examinees not able to apply on the deadline simply because they are not issued a transcript of record, because they are not graduates yet,’’ she said.
CESDEV Nursing is praying for the success of those who will be taking the Philippine Nurses Licensure Examination tomorrow and on Sunday. Sanz Marie Nasibog and Clauven Navallo, active CESDEV Nursing officers, will be among those who will troop the examination venues tomorrow. Our prayers are with you. God bless!
Mga tala ay mas nagniningning
Gaano man kakapal ang ulap
Sa likod nito ay may liwanag
Ang liwanag na ito'y nasa ating lahat
May sinag ang bawat pusong bukas
Sa init ng mga yakap
Maghihilom ang lahat ng sugat
Ang nagsindi nitong ilaw, walang iba kung hindi Ikaw
Salamat sa liwanag mo, muling magkakakulay ang pasko
Salamat sa liwanag mo, muling magkakakulay ang pasko
Tayo ang ilaw sa madilim na daan
Pagkakapit- bisig lalong higpitan
Dumaan man sa malakas na alon lahat tayo'y makakaahon
Ang liwanag na ito'y nasa ating lahat
May sinag ang bawat pusong bukas
Sa init ng mga yakap
Maghihilom ang lahat ng sugat
Ang nagsindi nitong ilaw, walang iba kung hindi Ikaw
Salamat sa liwanag mo, muling magkakakulay ang pasko
Salamat sa liwanag mo, muling magkakakulay ang pasko
Kikislap ang pagasa
Kahit kanino man
Dahil Ikaw Bro, dahil Ikaw Bro, dahil Ikaw Bro
Ang Star ng Pasko
Salamat sa liwanag mo, muling magkakakulay ang pasko
Salamat sa liwanag mo, muling magkakakulay ang pasko
Ang nagsindi nitong ilaw, walang iba kung hindi Ikaw
Salamat sa liwanag mo, muling magkakakulay ang pasko
Salamat sa liwanag mo, muling magkakakulay ang pasko
Ang nagsindi nitong ilaw, walang iba kung hindi Ikaw
Salamat sa liwanag mo, muling magkakakulay ang pasko
Salamat sa liwanag mo, muling magkakakulay ang pasko
Dahil Ikaw Bro, dahil Ikaw Bro, dahil Ikaw Bro
Ang Star ng pasko...
The background music of this blog is taken from the Kapamilya network's Christmas station ID (SID) put together by its Creative Communications Management (CCM) group. This year’s SID features not only the network’s stars and broadcasters, but ordinary people from different sectors as well.
CCM head Robert Labayen wrote a song for the five-minute SID, which reflects the “unsinkable” spirit of the Filipinos. The SID song was performed by more than 300 talents pooled together for the project. Labayen added that the SID encourages the Filipinos to bounce back after the calamities, and reminds the public that “goodness shines the brightest in the darkest hours.”
“And the message comes from the song. We have the stars singing together with the heroes–workers, soldiers, the medics, volunteers, church--from all sectors of society. They come together to rebuild our lives again,” Labayen said. The SID concept this year is not only simpler compared to previous years, but more “uplifting.”
“Dati kasi, ang gusto natin masaya lang, masayang pasko. It's about our family. Pero this time, it’s about Filipinos,” said Danie Rose Sedilla-Cruz, CCM’s creative account head. Sedilla-Cruz said the SID also highlights the fact that Christ is the source of light, but all of us are bearers of it. She said: “Better to light one little candle than to stumble in the dark. Bawat isa sa atin, pagkatapos noong nangyari, nalaman mo sa sarili mo na meron kang magagawa.”
Posted by ucnursingcesdev at 11:35 PM"This is a wake-up call for our nursing schools to shape-up or phase-out. Ched will not hesitate to enforce the regulation if they still failed to heed our calls," said Ched Chairman Dr. Emmanuel Angeles. "With this move, we are helping not only the parents and students to carefully choose the nursing schools they go to, but we are helping our economy my minimizing frustrations and wastage among our nursing graduates when they take the licensure tests and make sure that they only get quality education," he added.
Angeles said these schools will be issued individually an initial warning from Ched to improve their nursing program through their graduates' performance in the succeeding nursing licensure exams. He said the Commission has the legal authority to order the closure or phasing out of degree programs that failed to meet the standard in licensure test.
Ched Resolution No. 378-2009 stated that "For this school year, higher education institutions (HEI) whose performance in licensure examinations in the last three consecutive years is greater than 50 percent but lower than the national passing rate shall be given an initial warning to improve their performance."
For those HEIs whose passing percentage is zero percent for the last three years, Ched said they will be phased out while those whose performance in licensure tests were above 50 percent but less than the national average shall have their recognized programs downgraded to permit status.
Angeles said Ched identified the low performing nursing schools through a series of validation processes conducted on the country's 456 nursing schools today. They performed below the National Passing Rate of 46.14 percent.
On the other hand, Ched released the list of the Top 20 nursing schools in the country with Silliman University having an average of 96.57 percent followed by the Saint Louis University, 95.42; Trinity University of Asia with 95.06; University of Sto. Tomas, 95.06; Cebu Doctors University, 91.89; Saint Paul University, 89.79; Central Philippine University, 86.72; De La Salle University-Health Sciences campus, 85.26; Saint Mary's University, 84.10; San Pedro College, 83.10; Manila Doctors College, 82.56; Centro Escolar University-Manila, 81.50; Angeles University Foundation, 76.37; Mariano Marcos University, 75.55; University of San Agustin, 73.25; University of Cebu, 70.99; Metropolitan Hospital College of Nursing, 70.54; Ateneo De Davao University, 70.20; San Juan De Dios Education Foundation, 69.91; and University of St. La Salle with 67.55.
“Urduja” was located by PAGASA, as of 10 p.m., 75 kilometers northeast of Surigao City. It said it was moving east slowly with maximum sustained winds of 55 kilometers per hour near the center.
The weather agency forecast the weather disturbance to be 120 kms east northeast of Surigao City by Wednesday evening; 210 kms east northeast of Surigao City or 180 kms east southeast of Guiuan, Eastern Samar by Thursday evening; and 280 kms east of Guiuan, Eastern Samar by Friday evening.
Public Storm Signal No. 1 remains hoisted over Leyte, Southern Leyte, Biliran, Eastern Samar, Western Samar, Surigao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Agusan del Norte, Dinagat Island and Siargao Island. All other storm warning signals in other areas have been lowered.
At 4:00 a.m. today, Tropical Depression "URDUJA" was estimated based on satellite and surface data in the vicinity of Dinagat or at 50 kms East Northeast of Maasin, Leyte. (10.4°N, 125.3°E) with maximum winds of 55 kph near the center. It is forecast to move West Northwest at 15 kph.
Adventure seekers are also welcome in this booming town. You can kayak along the mangrove forests of Bojo River or along the town’s coast to the hidden white sand beach of Kantabogon; or you can trek the trail to Beloria Hill where the Pulahans (warriors believed to be indestructible because of their amulets) took its last stand against the American invaders.
There's also the mystical mountains that hide extensive cave formations that would tickle every spelunker’s interest. Indeed, Aloguinsan is bigger that what it is.
Fire dancing (also known as "fire twirling," "fire spinning," "fire performance," or "fire manipulation") is a group of performance arts or disciplines that involve manipulation of objects on fire. Typically these objects have one or more bundles of wicking, which are soaked in fuel and ignited.
Some of these disciplines are related to juggling or baton twirling (both forms of object manipulation), and there is also an affinity between fire dancing and rhythmic gymnastics. Firedancing is often performed to music. Fire dancing has been a traditional part of cultures from around the world, and modern fire performance often includes visual and stylistic elements from many traditions.
Antique gold jewelry pieces, jars and plates as well as skeletons 500 years old were found in a digging site at the church plaza here which experts claim to be artifacts from the 15th Century.
Mr. Jojo Bersales, consultant on heritage and museum affairs of Cebu province and also the chairman of the Socio-Anthro Department of the University of San Carlos in Cebu City, said the digging site appears to be a burial ground that dates back before the arrival of the Spaniards in 1521.
These artifacts are on display at the Boljoon Parish Museum along with some antique and interesting items from the church. Can be seen on the slideshow are the 17th century old church vestment woven using gold plated thread. The intricate design explains the great tailoring skills of Boljoanons during that time; Rueda (roller wheel), used to produce continuous bell rings during Liturgy of the Eucharist. The frame was made of molave or tugas wood which explains its sturdy built and bronze metal for the bells.
We also posed at the Escuela Catolica, an old school where children were taught how to read and write using the cartilla. Candidates for Holy Communion were also housed here for the whole month of May to prepare them thoroughly in good manners, respect for elders, love of God, and the benefits of the sacraments. The building has a twin concrete staircase in front of the building, one for the boy communicants, the other for the girls.
One of the oldest Augustinian churches in Cebu, the tile-roofed church, with the convent attached to it, was dedicated to Nuestra Senora Patrocinio de Maria when it became a visita of the parish of Carcar in 1599 before it became a full-fledged parish in 1690. Since Boljoon was declared a pilgrim parish in 1690.
The church, which was originally built as a fortress in the olden times, attracts sightseers, religious art connoisseurs, academics, and conservationists. The interior is beautifully decorated. It features gold-leaf and polychrome on the retablos, the fine tracery railings of the pulpit and choirloft (which has a now-decrepit organ vintage 1880), the ornate "Islamic" silverwork of the communion rail, the lushly painted ceiling.
The facade, consisting of three levels with rococo decorations on the panels and along the shallow pilasters, is topped by a pediment that gives the squat church a slightly askew shape.
At first glance it may seem like any old sleepy seaside town in the South of Cebu Province that travelers pass by with nary a cursory look. But move in a little closer and you’ll see that there’s more to Boljoon.
Boljoon is as small and as pretty as a postcard. Its people (of the population of 13,380 about 3,000 live in the town center) live on the catch from the sea and whatever could graze or grow in the rocky hills or by the river running through the narrow valley.
Since it remains largely undiscovered by the majority of tourists, it only has a few rooms to offer in its ten or so beach resorts, and modest fares in its two or three eateries. Boljoon is painfully constrained by its peculiar terrain, formed, it is said, by a cavity formed by the sudden collapse of a mountain range.
(Boljoon may have derived its name from nabulho meaning "collapsed.") To the north it is closely hemmed in by the venerable Ele Rock (a landmark described by a Boljoonon as "like God’s toe jutting out to sea") whose sides of granite and limestone had to be hacked away by blasting and digging to create an access road; to the south by Boljoon River and to the east by the Bohol Strait (over-hanging cliffs reduce the beachfronts to little more than 12 kms in all); then suddenly to the west by the Kasanghel Hill.