Welcome to the Blogsite of CESDEV-Nursing
Community Extension Services & Development
University of Cebu-Banilad College of Nursing!

This blogsite shall serve as your online access for information, updates, photo displays, videos, news, relevant links and other matters related to the programs and activities of UC Nursing CESDEV as well as other features that may be of peculiar interest and value to the University of Cebu community and the multitude of blog visitors.



Who would ever think that a simple status message can forever change a community?

That's exactly what happened when online-savvy Jay Jaboneta posted as a Facebook status message the ordeal of hundreds of students in Zamboanga who were forced to cross the river every single day just to be able to get to school.

Through his simple status update, Jaboneta raised funds more than enough for a single boat that would safely transport children to their schools.

Jaboneta's initiative also awakened the bayanihan spirit in the sleepy town of Layag-Layag as people worked on the boats from scratch.

Now, Jaboneta's simple status message has turned into a widespread advocacy and is starting to reach other parts of the country.

Jaboneta has proven that someone who's really willing to help need not launch a huge campaign: all it took him was a single, heartfelt Facebook update.