Blogger, Google's online publishing platform, has been experiencing a service disruption since Thursday afternoon.
Blogger Status informed users of maintenance issues at 3:30 p.m. ET and wrote that the site would be in read-only mode until the problems were resolved. (The post was later removed.)
As of 9 p.m. ET, blogs were still inaccessible for users. According to DownRightNow, the outage had been uninterrupted for several hours. DownForEveryoneOrJustMe also confirmed the downtime.
Blogger Status informed users of maintenance issues at 3:30 p.m. ET and wrote that the site would be in read-only mode until the problems were resolved. (The post was later removed.)
As of 9 p.m. ET, blogs were still inaccessible for users. According to DownRightNow, the outage had been uninterrupted for several hours. DownForEveryoneOrJustMe also confirmed the downtime.