Welcome to the Blogsite of CESDEV-Nursing
Community Extension Services & Development
University of Cebu-Banilad College of Nursing!

This blogsite shall serve as your online access for information, updates, photo displays, videos, news, relevant links and other matters related to the programs and activities of UC Nursing CESDEV as well as other features that may be of peculiar interest and value to the University of Cebu community and the multitude of blog visitors.



"Auld Lang Syne" is sung at the stroke of midnight in almost every English-speaking country in the world to bring in the new year. At least partially written by Robert Burns in the 1700's, it was first published in 1796 after Burns' death. Early variations of the song were sung prior to 1700 and inspired Burns to produce the modern rendition. An old Scotch tune, "Auld Lang Syne" literally means "old long ago," or simply, "the good old days." Here are the lyrics:

Auld Lang Syne

Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang syne?
For auld Lang syne, my dear, for auld Lang syne,
We'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld Lang syne.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot and days of auld Lang syne?
And here's a hand, my trusty friend and gie's a hand o' thine
We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet for auld Lang syne



Patrick Liporada is one of the senior volunteers of UC Nursing CESDEV. He has shown interest in helping others and has displayed pure intentions for community service at the same time trying to strike a balance between his volunteer work, academics, as well as his love life. Truly a valued volunteer of Community Extension Services and Development of the College of Nursing. Happy Birthday, Patrick!



New Year's is the only holiday that celebrates the passage of time. Perhaps that's why, as the final seconds of the year tick away, we become introspective. Inevitably, that introspection turns to thoughts of self-improvement and the annual ritual of making resolutions, which offer the first of many important tools for remaking ourselves. Here are the ten most common resolutions for the new year:

1. Lose Weight and Get in Better Physical Shape

Physical activity builds physical vitality. With every year of your life, you have more to gain from being physically active; as your age-related risks of chronic disease increase, regular exercise generally slows or reverses that trend. In fact, you're even more likely to notice the benefits of regular exercise if you already have a chronic condition.

Are you ever going to be fit again as long as you live? The answer is unless you make a resolution to get fit – you’re never going to be fit – ever. The choice is yours; it begins by opting for the stairs instead of the elevator, fruit in place of chocolate, and active rather than sedentary activities.

2. Stick to a Budget

It’s been said that the best defense is a good offense. Developing and sticking to a realistic budget is a brilliant offensive move as it prevents overspending and ensures peace of mind.
Many people find it very difficult to stick to a budget. It does take hard work and a lot of self-discipline, at least in the beginning. The good news is that most people find the longer they can stick to a budget, the easier it becomes.

3. Debt Reduction

One of the first things you have to do before any debt can be eliminated is to stop using charge accounts. If you continue to use the accounts, you are only fueling the problem, and building on it, not solving it. Make a resolution now to stop charging anything and to get financially stable. If you can't pay cash for it, you don't need it, make it just that simple and you will find yourself out of debt in no time at all.

Keep a diary of all money spent, whether it is by cash, check, credit card, etc. Once you know where your money is going, then, and only then, can you take the steps needed to prepare a good budget that you can live with and make huge strides to budgeting your debt away.

4. Enjoy More Quality Time with Family & Friends

More and more people are resolving to spend more quality time with family and friends this year. This means you must consciously decide to actively and purposely work on improving your family situation every day. You may need to do such things as reschedule business activities to make time for your kids, help your children set and achieve worthwhile goals, and setting aside an hour a day for the family, every day.

Starting right now, you can begin to make choices and take day-to-day actions that will create nothing short of a phenomenal family. You can choose to have one if you just resolve to do it and know where to put your focus. Making our families stronger and healthier is important to our communities, our state and our world.

5. Find My Soul Mate

Romance is alive and well as more and more people are looking for that special someone, their soul mate who lights their fire, the ONE whom they love unequivocally and who shares their worldview. Soul mate relationships are the sort of romantic relationships most of us dreamt of when we were young and innocent: loving and erotic, committed and inspiring and best of all - lasting. Soul mate relationships give both partners the fulfillment that deeply satisfies them and makes them feel that they have found the most wonderful person in the whole universe.

6. Quit Smoking

Becoming a non-smoker is probably one of the best decisions you can ever make, and is a life changing as well as a life saving decision. The benefits to your health, relationships, finances, vitality, the environment and to your sense of self-esteem for having conquered a really hard-to-kick habit will make any and all of your efforts and determination more than worth while. The resolution to become a non-smoker will also help you to live longer and enjoy the finer things in life.

Once you’ve made the resolution to stop, acted upon it and succeeded, you'll feel great about what you have achieved. Resolving to give up is your decision, and will improve your life from that moment on. No one can make you quit, and no one can help you make the resolution. You have to do it yourself, you have to want to do it, and you need to do it now!

7. Find a Better Job

A new year provides a sense of getting a free do-over, so you can try again and get it right. Many people resolve to find better jobs or to take a new approach to the jobs they've already got. It's corny, but true -- most of us get reflective at this time of year and if we are in jobs already, we begin thinking: Am I on the right path? Do I like where my position and my company are headed? Am I even in the right career?

So you've been hearing that voice again, the one that says you're not doing what you were born to do. That may be true, but how do you figure out what you should be doing? To begin answering this question, examine whether your current career path matches your core interests, beliefs, values, needs and skills. Resolve to ask and answer those essential questions before making any new career changes.

8. Learn Something New

People throughout the world are realizing that a strong resolve to lifelong learning is more than just education and training beyond formal schooling. A lifelong learning framework encompasses learning throughout the life cycle, from cradle to grave and in different learning environments, formal, non-formal and informal.

Perhaps you are considering a career change, want to learn a new language or musical instrument, or just how to become a better cook? Whether you take a course or read a book, you'll find education to be one of the easiest, most motivating and beneficial resolutions to keep. Challenge your mind in the coming year, break out of currents routines and challenge every comfort zone and watch your horizons expand.

9. Volunteer and Help Others

A popular, non-selfish New Year's resolution, volunteerism can take many forms such as spending time helping out at your local library, mentoring a child, or building a house to name a few or why not join CESDEV Nursing?

Volunteering has risen sharply in the years since we began collecting resolutions. This suggests the possible emergence of a new civic generation and a resolve to make a bigger and better difference with your life. Resolve to replace the pursuit of success and materialism with the pursuit of contribution and generosity. For this to occur, the critical question must move from, “How can I become successful?” to, “What can I contribute that will significantly impact other people's lives?” By focusing on what we can contribute, we automatically become successful.

10. Get Organized

Resolve this year to plan your days, reduce interruptions, clean off your desk, say "No", and make detailed lists. The benefits of getting more organized include being able to save time, as you no longer look for the same things over and over again or need to replace things you can’t find at all. You will reduce stress because when you know where everything is, there’s no last-minute rush to find what you need and get out the door on time for school, soccer practice, or that important business meeting. You will also find yourself being much more productive, as all the time you once spent looking for things can now be used to do more important or more enjoyable tasks.

Most people define being organized as quickly and easily able to find what you need. While this is certainly true, organization is so much more. The ability to staying organized lets you focus on accomplishing your most important goals. That’s the true benefit of being organized.





Chinese have a unique way of representing the New Year through animals. They have 12 different animals to represent each year of the 12 year -cycle and the order remains the same throughout with the year of the rat beginning the cycle and the year of the boar/ pig ending the same. As the Chinese year 2008 was signified as the year of the rat, the following year, 2009, is going to be the year of the ox. Chinese New Year of OX, 2009 will fall on January 26th and will mark the 15 day long festivities beginning on the said date and going on till the 9th February.

Preparations for the Chinese New Year of Ox, 2009 will begin months in advance so that the celebrations be observed in the highest magnitude and splendor. As the different years of the 12 year cycle are characterized by different animals, people born on the different years also feature different traits and characters and most often then not, they are believed to be influenced and inspired by the animals of the particular year they are born in.

With this article on Chinese New Year of Ox, 2009 we strive to hold forth the interesting characteristics and features of the Ox and how babies born in this year can be expected to display similar traits.
All years ending in an odd number are Yin and the ones with an even number ending are considered to be the Yang forms according to the Chinese methods of the calender cycle. Therefore the Ox year 2009 will have Yin forms along with the character of the Ox. Ox characterizes a dependable, patient, methodical and calm, hardworking, materialistic as well as an ambitious character. The Ox years so far have been 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 and now 2009 followed by 2021 (according to the 12 year cycle).
People born in the Chinese New Year of Ox, 2009 will preponderantly have the below mentioned traits in their character: Leadership qualities, dependable, great organizers, loyal, patient as well as strong and responsible. They are also some of the best people one can have as colleagues in the work place as they are believed to posses strong work ethics and display their creative side as well, especially when it comes to decorating their home.
Since the people born in the Ox year are also trusted to be reliable and logical, people generally turn towards them for suggestions and guidance. Their honesty and eye for details also helps them to prove their worth both in the workplace as well as in their personal lives.
However there are a few negative traits associated with the character of the Ox that also is reflected through the people born in the ox years. Attributes like being narrow minded, stubborn, with low public relations skills and also very far from being emotional are generally associated with people born in this year.

With these and many more fascinating elements, Chinese New Year of Ox, 2009 is just about to arrive. So get set to welcome the year and have a very prosperous New Year ahead.Rats: 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008,
2020 (Keep adding 12 years in the series)



( ROQuitco with Pier Pastor of ABS-CBN's Salamat Dok and Nanay Bet at the Avilon Zoo)
The blog administrator is taking his very much awaited "blogger break". Posts will resume on a regular basis starting next year. However, there are posts that are already scheduled for publishing on specified dates. They will automatically appear on the blogsite on the schedule indicated for posting.


The word Christmas originated as a compound meaning "Christ's Mass". It is derived from the Middle English Christemasse and Old English Cristes mæsse, a phrase first recorded in 1038. "Cristes" is from Greek Christos and "mæsse" is from Latin missa. In Greek, the letter Χ (chi), is the first letter of Christ, and it, or the similar Roman letter X, has been used as an abbreviation for Christ since the mid-16th century. Hence, Xmas is often used as an abbreviation for Christmas.






( The blog administrator has received traffic from blog readers outside the Philippines. The article below is posted to cater to the interests of these blog visitors.)
The Freeman - The Philippines is the only Catholic nation in Asia. The Christmas season in the country is known to be the longest in the world. The Church-prescribed period-from December 16 through January 6-is observed, but the celebrations actually start much earlier and last much longer.

Other Catholic nations center their Yuletide celebrations only on December 25, Christmas Day, and the feast of the Epiphany on January 6. In the Philippines, Christmas is a period of unceasing festivities and merrymaking, which sometimes even extend until February 2. This can look like profound piety to some, or sheer excessiveness to others.

Christmas in the Philippines is unique. There are some variations to the fundamental Catholic ways of celebrating the season. These give Filipino Christmas a distinct local character. For instance, a daily dawn Mass is held from December 16-24. It is called Misa de Gallo, a Spanish term meaning Mass of the Roosters. It is so called because the Mass is celebrated at dawn, a time when - especially in the rural areas - roosters begin to crow upon sensing the first rays of sunlight.

In the olden days, the rooster's crow would rouse up the farmers to go to work at the fields. The early hours of the morning were taken advantage of in order to avoid the scorching heat of the tropical sun as the day proceeds.

The Spaniards introduced Roman Catholicism in the country in the 16th century. Spanish friars taught their new converts that it was their Christian duty to offer nine days of prayer towards the feast of Christ's nativity. They taught them, as well, that it was good practice to start the day with prayers. Hence, Mass was celebrated before the farmers would go to the fields.

The Misa de Gallo prompted the emergence of delicacy stalls around the public plazas adjoining the churches, where people usually passed by after hearing Mass. These stalls have survived to this day. In the Visayas and Mindanao, enterprising women serve hot sikwate (native chocolate drink) with puto-maya (sticky rice cooked in coconut milk) or bibingka (rice cake). In Luzon, their own Tagalog delicacies are served. In big cities, the original makeshift stalls have developed into full-blown night markets.

Also during the Spanish era, and for many years thereafter, Filipinos performed a tableau on Christmas Eve depicting Mary and Joseph's search for shelter. The main actors would go around the community knocking on every door. The homes would be decorated with star-shaped lanterns, called parols, to light the way of the couple.

The staging of the tableau, called Panunuloyan, has waned considerably through the years and is now practiced only in a few communities in Luzon. But the hanging of parols continues to be a popular tradition, which has now even grown to the scale of a major attraction in many places of the country.

Many other foreign influences have since contributed to Filipino customs and traditions regarding Christmas. Most notable are such foreign imports as Santa Claus and the Christmas tree. Many Filipino kids have also come to look forward to Christmas for a carnival-on ice!

Christmas has come to have very strong social, cultural and commercial implications in Philippine life. Reunions of old friends and families are common at Christmastime. So are reconciliations and conflict resolutions. Filipino Christmas is both a domestic and public celebration, bringing together the whole family and the whole community.

There's the business dimension, too. The long merrymaking results in increased spending; people try to acquire new things with extra incomes from job bonuses. Generosity seems to stand to its full height-gift giving is a standard practice, almost to the point of being obligatory. Stores provide extra consumer motivation by offering attractive bargains.

Old people lament the fading away of the old Filipino Christmas traditions. The say it was better during the country's early Christian beginnings. Yet even the Christmas originally brought in by the Spaniards was already a product of many earlier adaptations. It seems all things change with the passing of time. All things without exception.

Indeed, Christmas in the Philippines today is a far cry from what it was in the olden days. But many, too, welcome the transformation. The celebrations have become something more-modern, fabulous, colorful. Yet, for the most part, they have remained basically religious and distinctly Filipino!



The "Eva Fonda" of UC Nursing CESDEV will be turning a year wiser today. On this special day, the volunteers wish Joselito Noel Cabahug more blessings, great health, and success. He always serves as the life of the party and never fails to make everyone laugh with his timely punchlines and antics. Many more years, many more great laughters, many more smiles, many more birthdays to you dear Noel!





An open invitation for the sun, sea, and sand was offered by Evetti Ranara and Don Jade Canama to whoever is interested as a prelude to the fast approaching holiday break and at the same time, rest and relax after pouring in serious academic-related efforts. A number of friends heeded the invitation and it was such fun as they shared food, played games, danced to the music, engaged in exciting conversations, and many more. 'Twas a great bonding at the beach.



Attention all student nurses of UC Banilad. Please read this very important advisory from UC Nursing CESDEV. Click on the image below to enlarge.




UC Nursing CESDEV volunteers have been actively participating in numerous outreach activities and relief operations of ABS-CBN Broadcasting Newtwork. This partnership has led to a lot of worthwhile achievements all intended to provide needed help to our Kapamilya. In recognition and gratitude for the assistance provided by CESDEV Nursing to these activities, ABS-CBN invited the volunteers not only as studio audience but as players in the gameshow, Kapamilya Winner Ka! Although the volunteers did not get the top prize, they had a day filled with fun and excitement as the activity afforded them not only entertainment but a whole lot of new experiences.



"Everything good happens by God's grace."

With a deep sense of faith, the CESDEV Nursing volunteers found its way to thank God for keeping the volunteers safe, healthy, happy, and optimistic by attending mass at the Basilica del Sto Nino. The visit was also significant as it happened on the birthday of one of the active UC Nursing CESDEV volunteers, Mr Don Jade Canama. Prayerful volunteers lighted candles for guidance and protection as CESDEV Nursing embarks on more significant, relevant, and fruitful activities. May God continue to bless the volunteers, may God continue to bless CESDEV!

BOOK DRIVE - Phase 2, Book Classification


Student nurses from University of Cebu - Banilad Campus joined CESDEV Nursing in the next phase of putting up a community library in Barangay Kalunasan - the classification of books according to subjects and level as well as documenting the title, author, and publisher of the books that were donated.



UC Nursing CESDEV would like to extend its warmest birthday greetings to Mr Don Jade Canama. God bless you always and may you continue to reach out and be of service to those who need it most. Happy birthday!



AT least 100 homes in Sitio Lupa Bontores, Barangay San Nicolas, Cebu City were razed in an afternoon fire that is believed to have been caused by four children reportedly playing with matches. Damage to property was pegged at P3 million. The Cebu City Fire Department received the alarm at 2:28 p.m. The firefighting lasted for more than an hour before Chief Insp. Victor Vibares, acting Cebu City fire marshal, declared the blaze under control. Fire trucks from as far as Consolacion town and Lapu-Lapu City and a firefighting team from the Philippine Air Force aided in putting off the fire, aside from firemen of the Emergency Rescue Unit Foundation and the Filipino-Chinese Volunteer Fire Brigade. Vibares estimated the fire scene to be about 500 meters away from the highway. While water supply was not a problem, both Vibares and SFO2 Alikasem Espinola said the poor access road was the primary problem they encountered. Strong winds also fanned the fire that quickly spread to the houses. Most of the fire trucks stayed along the highway; firemen had to connect the hoses to penetrate the fire scene, which Vibares said was time-consuming. Espinola, in a separate interview, said most of the structures razed by the fire were made of light materials. ABS-CBN was joined by UC Nursing CESDEV in packing relief goods for the fire victims. These include rice, sardines and noodles as well as used clothings and blankets.



Animo -- a word derived from the Latin word "animus," meaning "spirit." It can also be translated in various contexts as drive, purpose, intention, passion, mind or even intelligence. Animo is a powerful and provocative word and the words Animo CESDEV so fittingly exude this power, this provocative nature of the volunteers of Community Extension Services and Development of the College of Nursing of UC Banilad.

Animo CESDEV, the CESDEV Spirit is unique yet so true. It is that mark that separates the student nurse volunteers from the rest of the crowd -- it is an animating drive to be of service to others believing that they are born not only to themselves but to give more meaning to the lives of others.

The CESDEV Nursing Volunteers is the spirit that keeps community extension services relevant, meaningful, and sustained ... for these volunteers have numerously displayed the drive, the purpose, the intention, the passion, and the intelligence for SERVICE.



Christmas is definitely in the air. The imposing Christmas tree at the lobby of University of Cebu - Banilad Campus always welcomes the students as well as the teachers and visitors with a joyous feel of the season.

UC Nursing CESDEV wishes everyone a Merry Christmas!


CESDEV Nursing volunteers joined Tabang Sugbo, a yearly activity spearheaded by the Metro Cebu Christian Church, in giving out early Christmas cheer to the Badjao children in Alaska, Mambaling, Cebu City last December 6, 2008. The children received slippers and were given a good lunch. Other services rendered were free medical check-up coupled with free medicines. Gift packs were also distributed containing rice and grocery items. This event was participated by CESDEV Nursing upon the invitation of Mrs. Theresa Miagan, a Clinical Instructor of the College of Nursing of UC Banilad.



A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others. --Author Unknown

UC Nursing CESDEV would like to sincerely express its gratitude to the Clinical Instructors as well as to the General Education teachers and most especially to the Level Chairperson and the Dean of the College of Nursing, Dr. Helen C. Estrella, for all the support, assistance, and encouragement they have extended to the volunteers and to their work. Happy Teacher's Day!





UC Nursing CESDEV fervently asks readers and blog visitors to please include in your prayers UC nursing graduates who will be taking the Philippine Nurses Licensure Examination tomorrow and on Sunday. May they be enlightened and guided by His holy presence so that they will find the right answers to the examination questions. God bless!

BOOK DRIVE - Phase 1, Book Collection


CESDEV Nursing of UC Banilad would like to express its gratefulness to the kind and generous senior student nurses and to everyone who shared their old books by donating these to UC Nursing CESDEV. We have just concluded a very successful Book Drive where a total of more than 5,000 books and other reading materials were gathered. These books will be formally turned over to Barangay Kalunasan where UC Nursing CESDEV will put up a Community Library. The Barangay Captain has already alloted a 60 square meter area for this project. It is hoped that before the year ends, the project will already be in place. Fine ladies and gentle men, please accept our warmest "Salamat" for your cooperation. Indeed, you will be leaving a legacy when you graduate ... that of putting up a Community Library in Barangay Kalunasan for those who cannot send themselves to school. God bless you more!



Nine volunteers of UC Nursing CESDEV joined the Rotary Club of Cebu (South)in a medical mission to Aloguinsan, a town in the south of Cebu last November 16, 2008. They were joined by the medical team from Cebu Institute of Medicine, student nurses from Velez College and Rotaractors from Sci-Tech Main Campus. A number of patients availed of the free circumcision, free consultation for adult and pediatric patients, free pap smear, as well as free dental extraction. There was also feeding program and deworming activities.


As our way of recognizing the efforts and dedication of the student nurses of UC Banilad to the programs and activities of the Community Extension Services and Development (CESDEV), a photo exhibit will be opened at the lobby of UC Banilad today. Please come and visit and appreciate the essence of service extended by the student nurses for they believe " not only to themselves are they born".


CESDEV Nursing volunteers spent considerable amount of time and effort in putting up the exhibit on the activities and programs of CESDEV Nursing. This is intended to showcase the various outreach activities of the student nurses and to acknowledge their contribution in achieving the ultimate goal of making the community self-reliant through relevant and sustained development programs and activities.


After a long day serving our Kapamilya at the Grand Halad sa Kapamilya in UP High School Grounds, the CESDEV Nursing volunteers decided to hike all the way from UP Cebu to Ayala Center Cebu to relax and unwind. They strolled around the newly-opened Terraces and settled at the green meadow adjacent to Marriot Hotel where the group relaxed and enjoyed some food and drinks, a belated birthday treat for Jude Mathew dela Cruz, the president for CESDEV Nursing Junior volunteers who recently celebrated his birthday.



Sa makausa pa, nakigtambayayong and CESDEV Nursing sa UC Banilad sa gilusad sa DYAB Abante Bisaya ug ABS-CBN Cebu nga Grand Halad sa Kapamilya niadtong Sabado, Nobyembre 15, 2008. Ang higanteng piyesta sa mga pangalagad gipahigayon tibuok adlaw sa UP Cebu Grounds sa Lahug, Dakbayan sa Sugbo.

Nag-abot ang labing matinabangon ug ang labing tabanganan nga mga Sugbuanon. Nagsilbi kaming taytayan sa makapatandog nga pag-inunongay, makapatukbil nga pagsinabtanay ug makapadasig nga pagkinuptanay. Hinaot nga mosangpot sa mas lig-on nga panaghiusa pagsagubang sa mas lisod pang mga pagsuway.

Ang sentro sa Halad mao ang libreng pangalagad sa mga doktor ug libreng mga tambal sa mga pasyente. Magtambayayong ang mga mananambal sa CCMC, Cebu City Health Department (CCHD) ug PAF; mga tinun-an sa nursing sa UC; ug pharmacists sa Cebu Pharmaceutical Association.

Nitabang ang mga dentista sa Cebu Dental Society uban ang ilang dental van; mga dentista sa CCHD nga nagdala usab og van; ug mga dentista sa PAF. Nitampo sa mga tambal ang Bantay Bata 163, Department of Health DOH 7 ug Epson Software Engineering.

Ang kaliboan nga naghugop sa Halad nakapahimus sa mosunod nga mga pangalagad:

· CBC sa 500 ka pasyente sponsored sa Chong Hua Hospital;

· Glucose test, urinalysis ug blood typing sa Perpetual Succour Hospital;

· Blood pressure check-up, weight ug body mass index check ug blood sugar test pinaagi sa Philippine Paramedical & Technical School;

· Urinalysis ug x-ray alang sa 100 ka pasyente gikan sa Hi-Precision Diagnostic;

· Iridology ug product sampling sa CMD;

· Kaliboan ka sets sa toothbrush, toothpaste, tumblers ug duwaan nga mga relo gikan sa Timex ug Epson;

· Libreng bakuna, kapon, purga, bitamina, shampoo ug tambal sa kagid sa mga iro ug iring uban sa Cebu City Veterinarian’s Office;

· Libreng masahe sa Bright Pathway Blind Association ug reflexologists

· Libreng serbisyong legal ug notaryo uban sa mga sakop sa YLAC ug IBP Cebu Chapter;

· Mobile passport service sa Department of Foreign Affairs;

· Paghikay sa mga lisensiya sa mga drayber sa Land Transportation Office;

· Libreng seminar alang sa housing loan applicants pinaagi sa PAG-IBIG;

· One-stop-shop sa mga pangalagad sa NSO, SSS, GSIS ug Philhealth;

· Libreng mga binhi ug semilya gikan sa Department of Agriculture;

· Libreng pag-ayo sa cell phones, PC, motorsiklo, TV ug radyo pinaagi sa Tesda, IECEP ug Hi-Tech men sa DYAB;

· Job Search uban ni Fidel Magno sa DMDP Cebu City;

· Pagpamalit sa mga basura pinaagi sa SM Trash for Cash project; ug

Mass feeding sa Bantay Bata 163.



CESDEV Nursing volunteers had the chance to go on-air, live, through ABS-CBN Cebu's AM station DYAB 1512. Don Jade Canama, Patrick Liporada, Bart Fajardo, Chinky Lim, and Neilmar Ardaba were interviewed by "Inday Tikay" (Tisha Ylaya) regarding the services they rendered during the Grand Halad sa Kapamilya. Below is the YouTube clip of the said interview.



University of Cebu College of Nursing through timely correspondence by CESDEV Nursing was the chosen campus of Gatorade Philippines for its campus tour. A seminar on Fluid and Electrolyte balance and on Dehydration was provided to more than 300 student nurses. A lively exchange of ideas as well and questions being answered followed after the seminar. Moreover, the students were treated to a free product sample. Each of the participants was given free Gatorade. Many thanks to Gatorade!


Realizing the need to address the problem of Malnutrition in Barangay Kalunasan in ways that are more sustainable, feasible, and achievable, the Community Extension Service and Development of the College of Nursing of UC Banilad will be embarking on a massive Malunggay planting activity this December. It is hoped that this initiative will significantly address not only the problem on Malnutirion but this is also seen to generate income opportunities to the community residents in the future.





Registration Approved - member approval
Thursday, 2 October, 2008 19:23
From: "Clean Up the World" Add sender to Contacts
To: ronaldoquitco@yahoo.com

Dear Ronaldo from University of Cebu, Banilad Campus, College of Nursing - Community Extension Services and Development (CESDEV),

Welcome to the Clean Up the World campaign for 2008 and thank you for joining us this year. We look forward to hearing about your plans, activities and/or projects and sharing your achievements with other Members, our Partners and the media.

Your Membership is now valid until 31 December 2008.

As a member you can now access both the Clean up the World activity website, and the Clean up the World website. Clean Up the World is a community based environmental campaign that inspires and empowers individuals and communities from every corner of the globe to make their environment a cleaner, healthier place to live. Many Members tell us that they benefit from the increased recognition that comes from being part of an international environmental campaign. This helps them to encourage local participation and gain sponsorship and media support in their own country.


Clean Up the World partners with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to inspire and assist communities to "clean up, fix up and conserve their local environment" through carrying out initiatives ranging from waste removal and tree planting to water and energy conservation projects. Clean Up the World and its participating organisations mobilise an estimated 35 million volunteers from more than 100 countries annually.Clean Up the World participants organise and carry out activities and longer-term environmental projects throughout the year however the campaign culminates in the Clean Up the World Weekend in 3rd weekend of September.Getting involved is simple. Groups or organisations in any city, town or village across the globe can join Clean Up the World. Joining is free* for non corporate organisations and renewable annually.Clean Up the World initiatives may include single activities such as clean ups, tree planting, awareness raising events, festivals or education activities including competitions and exhibitions or longer term projects which may involve an ongoing process of recycling and waste recovery, tree planting, education campaigns or water reuse and conservation.


Clean Up the World provides a range of information and support services aimed at assisting Members to organise and promote clean up events and other environmental initiatives. These include:

The provision of electronic tools and resources to assist you in implementing and promoting local environmental initiatives. They include an Event Guide, certificates, environmental fact sheets, and promotional materials ;

Access to Members-only section of the Clean Up the World website;

Access to an education kit suitable for primary school students ;

The opportunity to link with like-minded organisations across the globe ;

Regular bulletins and media releases providing the latest campaign news and information;

Advice on networking, event management and environmental issues ;

Support materials in English, French or Spanish ;

Information and support from the Clean Up the World team based in Sydney, Australia.


As a valued Member of this global campaign, Clean Up the World asks you to:

Plan and coordinate local clean ups and other environmental initiatives in accordance with the guidelines outlined on the Membership Registration Form
Encourage volunteers to take part free of charge
Promote initiatives through local media and community networks
Obtain sponsorship/build partnerships and work cooperatively with local organisations and other Clean Up the World members to support your activities
Provide the Clean Up the World team in Sydney with information, photos and footage to assist our international promotional efforts
Follow guidelines concerning the use of the Clean Up the World name and logo.



UC Nursing CESDEV has been invited to attend the seminar on Climate Change held at the Crown Regency Hotel last September 26, 2008 where the speaker from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)encourages the participants to make some modifications in their daily activities and lifestyle in order to offset the effects of humasn activities on the environment.



The Community Extension Services and Development of the College of Nursing proudly presents the people who have embraced "service to others" ... The CESDEV Nursing Volunteers!



UC Nursing CESDEV recently had their training of volunteers held at the Audio Visual Room of University of Cebu Maritime Education Training Center (UC-METC). The two-day seminar-training had the objective of making the aspirants gain a deeper understanding of the Community Extension Services of the College of Nursing of UC Banilad, inculcate the values of volunteer work and the embody the traits of a good volunteer.





University of Cebu - Banilad had a blast during the Intramurals where students from different departments get to display not only their academic sharpness but also their prowess in sports. A number of activities were laid out ... truly an event where everyone can simply hang around ang get a breather from their hectic class and duty schedules.



The Leadership Training Seminar for CESDEV-Nursing volunteers will be held at this sprawling campus of University of Cebu - Maritime Education Training Center (METC) in Mambaling, Cebu City. The location offers a conducive atmosphere where activities like team building can be very easily conducted.



OFFICIALS and residents of barangay Kalunasan, Cebu City, yesterday expressed worry over City Hall’s plan to establish a sanitary landfill in a 15-hectare valley in the barangay as it might contaminate local water sources and damage infrastructure.

Kalunasan barangay councilor Oliver Ocampo said 80 percent of the residents in Sitio Upper Kalunasan are dependent on the spring water from the barangay’s mountains. Residents fear that the water, which they use for washing and bathing, may get contaminated.

But Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña assured that the landfill, once operational, would not present health risks. He said the proposed location for the landfill is in a valley at the end of the Guadalupe River and will be sealed to prevent leachate from entering the river or underground water.

But health risks are not the barangay’s only concerns.Ocampo said residents were also worried that the operation of garbage trucks in the barangay would destroy roads and footbridges. Ocampo said there were several footbridges in the barangay that span the Guadalupe River. Residents worried that these footbridges may be dismantled if Osmeña would develop roads along the river for the garbage trucks, preventing residents from safely crossing the river.

Ocampo said Osmeña should conduct a public hearing so that residents would know the exact details of the landfill plan. Barangay officials may also conduct an inspection of the proposed site to address residents’ concerns.

“From day until night, it’s all the residents had been talking about. They’re really worried,” Ocampo said. Osmeña assured that consultations and studies would be done in due time. He said he just came up with the idea for a new landfill last week, and nothing was certain about the project at this time. “I don’t have to consult the people every time I think of something,” the mayor said. “All these consultations will be done once the study is done.”

He reiterated that the new landfill would take time. He estimated that the project would gain steam after his term as mayor ends in 2010. “In theory, it looks nice. But we still have to study it before we make a move,” Osmeña said. But Juvy Lopez, a resident of barangay Kalunasan, said she would feel better if officials told them how their concerns would be addressed, such as possible water contamination.

Baby Tabar, also a resident of the barangay, said she heard of the mayor’s assurances of their safety, but since the project may start after the end of the mayor’s term, the mayor’s assurances may not be implemented.





Close to 500 Cebuanos took time last Tuesday to gather at the marker of Don Sergio Osmeña Sr. in celebration of Cebu’s Great Old Man’s 125th Birth Anniversary. The yearly floral offering at corner Lapulapu Street and Osmeña Boulevard Cebu City was headed by Acting Mayor Michael Rama, members of the City Council and the different city government department heads. Representing the Osmeña clan were the heirs of Milagros Osmeña-Gonzales and Pepang Osmeña-Enriquez and Don Sergio’s great grand son former Vice-Governor John Gregory “John-john” Osmeña.

Among those present were government officials from various government agencies including the Department of Education, Department of Foreign Affairs, Department of Agriculture, Department of Public Works and Highways, Civil Service Commission, Metro Cebu Water District, Philippine Tourism Authority, Mactan International Airport, Central Command, Philippine National Police, Philippine Veterans and Boy Scouts of the Philippines.In honor and respect to the great contribution of Don Sergio, Osmeña Day is declared special non-working holiday in the entire Cebu City and the Province of Cebu by virtue of Republic Act 6953 signed into law by former President Corazon Aquino.This year the celebration started with the traditional Don Sergio Osmena Sr, Memorial Marathon and a mass at the Basilica Del Sto. Niño.
The former Vice-Governor in his speech said the celebration must serve as a reminder to the Filipinos the standard of public service that the Commonwealth President has set.

“For me personally, it is a day to reflect on my own performance as an elected official and to see if I am carrying on the tradition of public service to the great standard set by Sergio Osmeña and his lifelong leadership in strengthening the institution of democracy the Philippines,” he said.
Sergio Osmeña spent his 42 years in public service. In his early career of public life he worked as the editor of El Nuevo Dia. At the age of 25, Osmeña served as Governor of Cebu form 1904 to 1906. He was the Speaker of the First Philippine Assembly in 1907 at the age of 29. He also became a Senator and was then elected Vice-President in 1935 and finally in 1944 upon the death of President Manuel L. Quezon, he succeeded to the Presidency.

The Great Old Man brought fame and glory not only in Cebu but the entire Filipino nation. Don Sergio was a man who strongly believed in the Rule of Law to protect the rights of all Filipinos and in the Freedom of Contract guaranteed in the Fundamental Law to guide and protect the development of commerce and economic development in the Philippines. Don Sergio died on October 19, 1961.


The volunteer student nurses of the Community Extension Services and Development of the College of Nursing of University of Cebu joined the Rotary Club of Cebu South in its annual free Medical Mission in Barangay Libjo, Tabogon, Cebu last Sunday, September 7, 2008. The volunteers positively responded to the invitation of Mr. Carlos L. Apuhin, the Incoming President of Rotary Club of Cebu South.

Also present during the Free Medical Mission are active Rotarians who joined their very amiable President Jon Nomura. Also providing much needed support is the ever dynamic Level III Chairperson of the College of Nursing of UC Banilad and the loving wife of the Incoming President Mrs. Mercy Milagros B. Apuhin.

The student volunteers were able to render a number of services which includes free pap smear, free dental extraction, free circumcision and other minor surgeries such as excision of sebaceous cysts, free consultation for adult and pediatric patients, feeding program, and deworming.



Rotary International President-elect Dong Kurn Lee addressed incoming district governors today at the 2008 International Assembly, urging them to use their resources to help curb child mortality. Lee said he was in disbelief when he learned that 30,000 children under the age of five die every day from preventable diseases such as pneumonia, measles, and malaria.
"Once I understood the issues behind that terrible number, I knew what I needed to do," Lee said. He told the incoming governors that Rotary will keep the service emphases of recent years -- water, health and hunger, and literacy -- but asked them to focus their efforts in each of these areas on children.

"In 2008-09, I will ask you all to Make Dreams Real for the world's children," he said. "This will be our theme, and my challenge to all of you." "Children are killed by illnesses that become deadly in combination with poor sanitation and malnutrition," Lee said. In addition, families stricken by extreme poverty are trapped in a cycle that only leads to more unnecessary deaths. "It's a cycle that is not interrupted because there is no access to education." He challenged the audience to do their part to give children "hope and a chance at a future" by reducing the rate of child mortality in the world. "We will bring clean water to their communities and create sanitation projects that keep children healthy," Lee said.

As the incoming governors begin preparing for the year ahead with the training and inspiration they receive at the International Assembly, Lee reminded them of Rotary's power and encouraged them to use their resources efficiently to maximize the good done around the world.
Governor-elect Geoffrey Mathis, of District 9930 in New Zealand, thinks the upcoming RI theme allows Rotary to dream big. "Make Dreams Real will be an easy theme to sell around the world. We all like challenges; Lee has allowed us to put our dreams to practice." Rotarians can improve children's health, Lee said, even in small ways, such as delivering mosquito nets, rehydration salts, vitamins, and vaccines. "So much more can be done with just a little more: a trained birth attendant, a simple clinic, a school feeding program, a visiting nurse," he continued. "These are simple and direct ways to save children's lives." In 2008-09, Rotarians will be asked to open their eyes to the needs of children in communities near and far, Lee said.

"Children die not because nobody can help them, but because too often, nobody does. But you and I, here in this room, are Rotarians, and helping is what we do best," he said, adding that "our job is to Make Dreams Real for children. If every one of us does this, at the end of our year, we will all have achieved something wonderful."





The student volunteers of the Community Extension Services and Development of the College of Nursing of UC Banilad joined the reserve unit under the command of Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña PN (M)(R), in the conduct of a civil military operations at the Badjao community in Sitio (district) Naba, Barangay (village) Mambaling on August 17.

The outreach activity of the officers and enlisted personnel of the 51st Marine Reserve Battalion, Marine Forces Reserve Central was supported by the Cebu City government, Naval Forces Central and the Association of Government Information Officers in Central Visayas.

At least 160 Badjao children were fed and another 79 persons were given free medical services like wound dressing and the taking of temperature, pulse rate and blood pressure. The Badjao families also received 91 plastic bags of assorted clothes and canned goods. They also received free haircuts.



The pictures of CESDEV-Nursing volunteers were taken during the Nursing Gathering 2008 held at the Waterfront Hotel and Casino in Lahug last August 23, 2008.






Five UC Banilad Nursing students became a celebrated priest’s “angels” and were featured in his homily, after the girls found and returned the Reverend’s wallet.

Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD, visited Cebu and was in Gaisano Country Mall. He first bought a bottle of water at the food court and proceeded to purchase some items at the department store when he realized he lost his wallet. With a prayer on his lips, he rushed back to the Foodcourt where five Nursing students, upon seeing him looking like he lost something, inquired and handed him the wallet.

They were Roxanne Conde, Edelyn Flores, Jaquiline Laoron, Daisy Dela Cerna and Liezel Jalang. Much to the Reverend’s relief, the money was intact. In his delight, he invited the female students to his evening mass at the Sacred Heart Parish, where he shared his experience in his homily to the applauding churchgoers.

“I would like to praise and thank the Lord for the meekness and purity of heart of my newfound friends who not only gave me my wallet back, but who also gave me renewed hope and confidence in the youth of our land,” wrote Fr. Orbos in his column, entitled “Try,” published on February 2, 2008 in the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

Apart from being a columnist for the Philippine Daily Inquirer, he is also the Missionary Director of the SVD Mission Office, while attending to his radio program on ZNN Veritas.
Fr. Jerry Orbos has written six books, including Moments, Shared Moments, Simple Moments and Light Moments. Fr. Orbos has also made spirituality convenient to the busy world thru Fr. Jerry TXT-A-Moment (through Textdomain’s mobile service), where bible verses, bible reflections, and prayer requests become only a text away.



Student nurse volunteers of CESDEV made use of their free time during the province-wide holiday last August 6, 2008, the Charter Day of the Province of Cebu, to help in the packaging of relief goods for the victims of typhoon Frank in Iloilo City. Clothings, food items, shoes, kitchen wares, blankets, and other useful items were packed by the volunteers. This activity was held at the ABS-CBN Cebu station in Jagobiao, Mandaue City.



UC Nursing CESDEV proudly announces that all its pioneer volunteers who took the June 2008 PNLE successfuly hurdled the examinations. Hardwork, prayers, committment, and perseverance gained from their experiences as volunteers in addition to the knowledge, skills, and positive attitude they gained in school were the vital factors that helped them achieve such feat. Congratulations!


The College of Nursing of UC Banilad hails its June 2008 Philippine Nurses Licensure Examination takwers for posting an impressive 95 % passing rate. Foe the complete list, click on the link provided below.




Today, June 11, 2008, ucnursingcesdev.blogspot.com celebrates its 1st year of existence. This site has been visited for news articles, features, photos, videos, slideshows, announcements, schedules and other relevant information about the programs and activities of the Community Extension Services and Development of the College of Nursing of University of Cebu - Banilad.



The fascinating photography is the work of Mr. Bofel Un, a graduate nurse of UC College of Nursing - Banilad. For more of his work, visit his Flickr account or click the link provided below