Welcome to the Blogsite of CESDEV-Nursing
Community Extension Services & Development
University of Cebu-Banilad College of Nursing!

This blogsite shall serve as your online access for information, updates, photo displays, videos, news, relevant links and other matters related to the programs and activities of UC Nursing CESDEV as well as other features that may be of peculiar interest and value to the University of Cebu community and the multitude of blog visitors.



INQUIRER.netLast updated 03:24pm (Mla time) 08/01/2007

MANILA, Philippines -- Malacañang has declared August 3 a special holiday for high school and college students all over the country to allow them to register as new voters for the barangay (village) and Sanggunian Kabataan [youth council] elections this October.

Proclamation 1345 released by Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita Wednesday said the registration on August 4 and 5 would cover high school and college student who would be between 15 and 17 years old by October 29.

The proclamation said that despite the August 4 and 5 registration dates, August 3 was declared a holiday because "majority of the Filipino youth who would register for the barangay and SK elections would need ample time to travel to their home province, city, or municipality where they reside."


The senior volunteers of the Community Extension Services and Development had their general assembly last July 28, 2007 in UC Banilad. The gathering was made even more special with the presence of Mrs. Jocelyn Antiporta-Lim, who, despite her being on leave, attended and even moderated the activities. Shown below is Mrs. Lim with Hazel Bondaco, UC Nursing CESDEV President. ( you may click on the picture for a larger and clearer view )

The activity was also attended by Ms. Jade Lyra Galdo, CESDEV Coordinator for External affairs and Mr. Ronaldo Quitco, CESDEV Coordinator for Internal affairs.

The senior volunteers mapped out solutions to the organizational challenges that were presented in the "problem tree". Such activity was conducted to thresh out some kinks that may interfere with the functions of the organization.

The whole afternoon of July 28 was, more than being very productive, provided a much needed get-together among those who were witnesses to the birth pains and struggles of CESDEV when it started ... the senior volunteers.



What do you have to give as a volunteer?

Time-Your extra time can brighten the day of a small child who needs a mentor or a senior who needs a companion to talk to. Time is one of the most important things that you bring to volunteering.

Experience- Your skills can make a world of difference to people around you. For example, if you had teaching experience in the past, you could share those skills by teaching a child how to read.

Wisdom- Life knowledge is a wonderful gift to bring to volunteering, being able to understand what others are going through and being able offer a lending hand or kind word can really make a difference in peoples' lives.

Patience- Patience is a gift that few have, sitting with someone whom otherwise does not have someone willing to do so, can greatly enhance the quality of life for someone who is isolated or ill.


A volunteer is someone who gives time, energy and talents to others, expecting nothing in return. Volunteers must have an open mind, be willing to embrace wisdom learned from others and also let the experience of volunteering lead to personal inner growth. Volunteers realize the importance of time and kindness. With the wide range of opportunities, volunteers have the freedom to find an organization that best suits their needs.

A volunteer is someone who gives time, energy and talents
A volunteer is someone who is willing to learn
A volunteer is someone who has the freedom to choose



What Can A Person Gain From Volunteering?

Enhance or develop skills. By developing your skills you will better negotiate future endeavors in life such as finding employment or even dealing with some of life's problems .

Gain "hands on" work experience. Volunteering gives you on-the-job experience that can be very beneficial when applying for a paid position.

Find new talents. Whenever you try something new, you could discover a talent that you didn't know you had!

Met new people. Whenever you volunteer, you meet new people; these people bring wisdom and talents of their own that you can learn from. You may even meet some friends.

Learn. Learning is part of life, volunteering helps expand your knowledge by assisting you to learn about yourself and your community.

Discover more about yourself . Learning about yourself is one of the greatest benefits a volunteer receives, self satisfaction and personal growth come from taking the time to give a bit of yourself to help others.

Critical thinking. When you volunteer you get the opportunity to look at your community through a new angle that allows you to critically assess some of your past ideas and views about your community and yourself.



Posted by Doreen Perez on April 12, 2006 at 11:49 AM

"The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Ghandi

Everyone reading this should be volunteering in some sort of capacity. I know. You’re busy at work and have no time. You also want a social life or family time. When in the world are you going to find time for volunteer work? Well, you better make time. We all work and live in a great community and it is our responsibility to give back. We get so much more back in return from volunteering. Let’s face it, aside from the altruistic reasons to volunteer, it can be fun and it makes you feel good to help others.

So, what exactly are the benefits of volunteering?

It’s up to you ...

Unless you are volunteering through a corporate volunteer program, you can choose what organization or cause you want to help. You can also decide just how much time you have to give. You can do something completely unrelated to your job like building a home or reading to children or do something that uses your skills as a public relations professional.

Feel good about yourself while helping others ...

On a purely selfish level, volunteering makes you feel good about yourself. There are few things more satisfying than helping people. Hammering nails on a new home while the owner beams with pride right next to you is an amazing feeling. Walking or running to raise funds for a cause close to your heart helps to give you a sense of purpose and helps you realize just how lucky you are. As a volunteer, you will gain new perspective – it’s so easy for us all to get a little too wrapped up in our own lives.

Build your portfolio.

From a professional standpoint, volunteering is a great way to add to your portfolio. From press releases to design pieces, from public speaking to fundraising, you will have the opportunity to build your portfolio. This is especially beneficial for students or young professionals, although all of us should continually work on building our portfolios.

Focus on your expertise.

Unfortunately, sometimes at work we are not in a position to take full advantage of our expertise or skills. A great way to do exactly what you want to be doing is by volunteering. Any non profit will be thrilled to have you lend your expertise to their project, event or committee. If you’re not satisfied at work, you may be able to feed that need through volunteering.

Add to your skill set.

There is no greater way to expand or add to your skill set than by volunteering. And, it’s free. Maybe you always wanted to take a design class in school but didn’t have time. How about designing an invitation for an event? You’ll learn the basics of design and maybe some new software as well. If you don’t write press releases often at work, you can always volunteer writing services to beef up your writing skills. Even if you’re serving on a committee and not creating something tangible, you are still adding skills by interacting with professionals from other industries. Don’t be afraid to take on a leadership role, even if you are fresh out of school.

Expand your network.

Everyone knows the value of a good network and we all should constantly expand our network of contacts. You never know where that next job or client will come from and it’s always helpful to have people you can call on for help in your job. It’s also good to have a network of people in your community who are not in public relations. The more people you know, the more opportunities there are out there for you.

There are probably many other benefits you will find in your volunteer work that I didn’t mention above. It will be a different experience for everyone because it’s very personal. One other benefit to giving back – your children will notice. If you make it part of your life, chances are your children will do the same.

One of the best things you can do as a volunteer?
Help inspire another generation of volunteers.



These are those who responded to our call for new CESDEV volunteers for the Nursing Department of the University of Cebu - Banilad.

The new CESDEV Nursing volunteers had their first general assembly at the AVR last July 21, 2007. ( click on the pictures for a larger and clearer view )

'Wanna be like them? 'Wanna be with them? Join CESDEV now!


The Community Extension Services and Development (CESDEV) of the College of Nursing of the University of Cebu-Banilad joined the blood-letting activity spearheaded by ABS-CBN and its AM Station DYAB Abante Bisaya, conducted by the Regional Blood Coordinating Council (RBCC) at the Mandaue City Hall Plaza in Mandaue City. ( click on the pictures for a larger and clearer view )

The activity was participated by two sections of third year student nurses namely BSN 2Z and BSN 2EE. The blood letting started at around 7AM with BSN 2Z student nurses facilitating. At around noontime, the activity was properly endorsed and BSN 2EE student nurses took over.

Welcome to RBCC Mass Blood Donation ...

The student nurses took the vital signs of possible blood donors ...

They even took blood pressures of ABS-CBN Regional Network stars ...

Student nurses also conducted interviews to gather baseline data ...

They also took weights ...

And provided assistance not only to the medical technologists but more importantly, they provided comfort and care to the blood donors during the bleeding.

These student nurses assisted the medical technologist in the blood typing. They were very happy to have applied their knowledge about blood types and blood typing procedure.

Active student nurses had to go on "foot patrol" to do blood pressure-taking in the peripheries as well as information campaign on blood donation so they can convince more people to donate blood.

Convinced that donating blood is good for their health aside from the benefits of free blood typing, blood screening, and others, these student nurses practiced what they preached. They willingly donated their blood.

Even Mr. Darwin Villarante, class adviser of BSN 2Z, also donated his blood ... his first time. He was there to accompany his students but ended up donating blood.

Mr. Villarante was interviewed over DYAB Abante Bisaya, the AM radio station of ABS-CBN (Cebu)

The student nurses who were also blood donors in the activity proudly showed their RBCC cards which assures them of being prioritized in cases they need blood.

BSN 2EE student nurses who served in the afternoon session of the blood letting activity posed with their class adviser, Mrs. Jeanne Ann Hugo.

Taking a break ... eating moron given by Sir Leo Lastimosa, ABS-CBN Central Visayas News Director. Salamat, Sir Leo!

Student nurses posed with Mr. Leo Lastimosa, ABS-CBN (Cebu) News Director

Happy student nurses ... They realized that the blood that they gave could save a life.