UC Nursing CESDEV has been invited to attend the seminar on Climate Change held at the Crown Regency Hotel last September 26, 2008 where the speaker from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)encourages the participants to make some modifications in their daily activities and lifestyle in order to offset the effects of humasn activities on the environment.
Community Extension Services & Development
University of Cebu-Banilad College of Nursing!
The Community Extension Services and Development of the College of Nursing proudly presents the people who have embraced "service to others" ... The CESDEV Nursing Volunteers!
UC Nursing CESDEV recently had their training of volunteers held at the Audio Visual Room of University of Cebu Maritime Education Training Center (UC-METC). The two-day seminar-training had the objective of making the aspirants gain a deeper understanding of the Community Extension Services of the College of Nursing of UC Banilad, inculcate the values of volunteer work and the embody the traits of a good volunteer.
University of Cebu - Banilad had a blast during the Intramurals where students from different departments get to display not only their academic sharpness but also their prowess in sports. A number of activities were laid out ... truly an event where everyone can simply hang around ang get a breather from their hectic class and duty schedules.
Posted by ucnursingcesdev at 10:07 PMKalunasan barangay councilor Oliver Ocampo said 80 percent of the residents in Sitio Upper Kalunasan are dependent on the spring water from the barangay’s mountains. Residents fear that the water, which they use for washing and bathing, may get contaminated.
But Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña assured that the landfill, once operational, would not present health risks. He said the proposed location for the landfill is in a valley at the end of the Guadalupe River and will be sealed to prevent leachate from entering the river or underground water.
But health risks are not the barangay’s only concerns.Ocampo said residents were also worried that the operation of garbage trucks in the barangay would destroy roads and footbridges. Ocampo said there were several footbridges in the barangay that span the Guadalupe River. Residents worried that these footbridges may be dismantled if Osmeña would develop roads along the river for the garbage trucks, preventing residents from safely crossing the river.
Ocampo said Osmeña should conduct a public hearing so that residents would know the exact details of the landfill plan. Barangay officials may also conduct an inspection of the proposed site to address residents’ concerns.
“From day until night, it’s all the residents had been talking about. They’re really worried,” Ocampo said. Osmeña assured that consultations and studies would be done in due time. He said he just came up with the idea for a new landfill last week, and nothing was certain about the project at this time. “I don’t have to consult the people every time I think of something,” the mayor said. “All these consultations will be done once the study is done.”
He reiterated that the new landfill would take time. He estimated that the project would gain steam after his term as mayor ends in 2010. “In theory, it looks nice. But we still have to study it before we make a move,” Osmeña said. But Juvy Lopez, a resident of barangay Kalunasan, said she would feel better if officials told them how their concerns would be addressed, such as possible water contamination.
Baby Tabar, also a resident of the barangay, said she heard of the mayor’s assurances of their safety, but since the project may start after the end of the mayor’s term, the mayor’s assurances may not be implemented.
Close to 500 Cebuanos took time last Tuesday to gather at the marker of Don Sergio Osmeña Sr. in celebration of Cebu’s Great Old Man’s 125th Birth Anniversary. The yearly floral offering at corner Lapulapu Street and Osmeña Boulevard Cebu City was headed by Acting Mayor Michael Rama, members of the City Council and the different city government department heads. Representing the Osmeña clan were the heirs of Milagros Osmeña-Gonzales and Pepang Osmeña-Enriquez and Don Sergio’s great grand son former Vice-Governor John Gregory “John-john” Osmeña.
Among those present were government officials from various government agencies including the Department of Education, Department of Foreign Affairs, Department of Agriculture, Department of Public Works and Highways, Civil Service Commission, Metro Cebu Water District, Philippine Tourism Authority, Mactan International Airport, Central Command, Philippine National Police, Philippine Veterans and Boy Scouts of the Philippines.In honor and respect to the great contribution of Don Sergio, Osmeña Day is declared special non-working holiday in the entire Cebu City and the Province of Cebu by virtue of Republic Act 6953 signed into law by former President Corazon Aquino.This year the celebration started with the traditional Don Sergio Osmena Sr, Memorial Marathon and a mass at the Basilica Del Sto. Niño.
The former Vice-Governor in his speech said the celebration must serve as a reminder to the Filipinos the standard of public service that the Commonwealth President has set.
“For me personally, it is a day to reflect on my own performance as an elected official and to see if I am carrying on the tradition of public service to the great standard set by Sergio Osmeña and his lifelong leadership in strengthening the institution of democracy the Philippines,” he said.
Sergio Osmeña spent his 42 years in public service. In his early career of public life he worked as the editor of El Nuevo Dia. At the age of 25, Osmeña served as Governor of Cebu form 1904 to 1906. He was the Speaker of the First Philippine Assembly in 1907 at the age of 29. He also became a Senator and was then elected Vice-President in 1935 and finally in 1944 upon the death of President Manuel L. Quezon, he succeeded to the Presidency.
The Great Old Man brought fame and glory not only in Cebu but the entire Filipino nation. Don Sergio was a man who strongly believed in the Rule of Law to protect the rights of all Filipinos and in the Freedom of Contract guaranteed in the Fundamental Law to guide and protect the development of commerce and economic development in the Philippines. Don Sergio died on October 19, 1961.
Posted by ucnursingcesdev at 12:00 AM
The volunteer student nurses of the Community Extension Services and Development of the College of Nursing of University of Cebu joined the Rotary Club of Cebu South in its annual free Medical Mission in Barangay Libjo, Tabogon, Cebu last Sunday, September 7, 2008. The volunteers positively responded to the invitation of Mr. Carlos L. Apuhin, the Incoming President of Rotary Club of Cebu South.
Also present during the Free Medical Mission are active Rotarians who joined their very amiable President Jon Nomura. Also providing much needed support is the ever dynamic Level III Chairperson of the College of Nursing of UC Banilad and the loving wife of the Incoming President Mrs. Mercy Milagros B. Apuhin.
The student volunteers were able to render a number of services which includes free pap smear, free dental extraction, free circumcision and other minor surgeries such as excision of sebaceous cysts, free consultation for adult and pediatric patients, feeding program, and deworming.
Rotary International President-elect Dong Kurn Lee addressed incoming district governors today at the 2008 International Assembly, urging them to use their resources to help curb child mortality. Lee said he was in disbelief when he learned that 30,000 children under the age of five die every day from preventable diseases such as pneumonia, measles, and malaria.
"Once I understood the issues behind that terrible number, I knew what I needed to do," Lee said. He told the incoming governors that Rotary will keep the service emphases of recent years -- water, health and hunger, and literacy -- but asked them to focus their efforts in each of these areas on children.
"In 2008-09, I will ask you all to Make Dreams Real for the world's children," he said. "This will be our theme, and my challenge to all of you." "Children are killed by illnesses that become deadly in combination with poor sanitation and malnutrition," Lee said. In addition, families stricken by extreme poverty are trapped in a cycle that only leads to more unnecessary deaths. "It's a cycle that is not interrupted because there is no access to education." He challenged the audience to do their part to give children "hope and a chance at a future" by reducing the rate of child mortality in the world. "We will bring clean water to their communities and create sanitation projects that keep children healthy," Lee said.
As the incoming governors begin preparing for the year ahead with the training and inspiration they receive at the International Assembly, Lee reminded them of Rotary's power and encouraged them to use their resources efficiently to maximize the good done around the world.
Governor-elect Geoffrey Mathis, of District 9930 in New Zealand, thinks the upcoming RI theme allows Rotary to dream big. "Make Dreams Real will be an easy theme to sell around the world. We all like challenges; Lee has allowed us to put our dreams to practice." Rotarians can improve children's health, Lee said, even in small ways, such as delivering mosquito nets, rehydration salts, vitamins, and vaccines. "So much more can be done with just a little more: a trained birth attendant, a simple clinic, a school feeding program, a visiting nurse," he continued. "These are simple and direct ways to save children's lives." In 2008-09, Rotarians will be asked to open their eyes to the needs of children in communities near and far, Lee said.
"Children die not because nobody can help them, but because too often, nobody does. But you and I, here in this room, are Rotarians, and helping is what we do best," he said, adding that "our job is to Make Dreams Real for children. If every one of us does this, at the end of our year, we will all have achieved something wonderful."
The student volunteers of the Community Extension Services and Development of the College of Nursing of UC Banilad joined the reserve unit under the command of Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña PN (M)(R), in the conduct of a civil military operations at the Badjao community in Sitio (district) Naba, Barangay (village) Mambaling on August 17.
The outreach activity of the officers and enlisted personnel of the 51st Marine Reserve Battalion, Marine Forces Reserve Central was supported by the Cebu City government, Naval Forces Central and the Association of Government Information Officers in Central Visayas.
At least 160 Badjao children were fed and another 79 persons were given free medical services like wound dressing and the taking of temperature, pulse rate and blood pressure. The Badjao families also received 91 plastic bags of assorted clothes and canned goods. They also received free haircuts.
The pictures of CESDEV-Nursing volunteers were taken during the Nursing Gathering 2008 held at the Waterfront Hotel and Casino in Lahug last August 23, 2008.